Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Program 60

Glen residents with an interest in broadening their horizons need look no further than Ohio State's Program 60.

Since its launch in 19741, Program 60, which is managed by OSU's Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE), allows "Ohio residents age 60 or older...to enrich their lives by experiencing the academic excellence and world-renowned research available at The Ohio State University."2

According to the Program 60 website:3

Each year, thousands of Ohioans take advantage of this tuition-free, noncredit/non-degree program to connect to the university community. Program 60 students attend undergraduate, graduate-level, and distance learning courses through Program 60 on a space-available basis.

Program 60 students are full-fledged members of the Ohio State community, with access to the university's libraries and the opportunity to register for a BuckeyeMail account and BuckID.4 You can even extend your learning and networking beyond the classroom by joining the Program 60 Association, a non-university-affiliated group that makes special lectures and events available to its members.5

Still have questions? Visit Program 60 online or contact the Program 60 Coordinator at 614-292-8860 or program60@osu.edu.

Ready to get started? Check out https://odee.osu.edu/program-60/next-steps to learn how you can take part in Program 60.

1 – Our History | Program 60. The Ohio State University Office of Distance Education and eLearning. https://odee.osu.edu/program-60/history. Accessed 01.23.17.

2 – Welcome to Program 60 | Program 60. The Ohio State University Office of Distance Education and eLearning. https://odee.osu.edu/program-60. Accessed 01.23.2017.

3 – Ibid.

4 – Resources | Program 60. The Ohio State University Office of Distance Education and eLearning. https://odee.osu.edu/program-60/resources. Accessed 01.23.17.

5 – Program 60 Association | Program 60. The Ohio State University Office of Distance Education and eLearning. https://odee.osu.edu/program-60/association. Accessed 01.23.17.