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Monday, August 14, 2017

Dreading the return of school year bedtimes? Columbus Parent has some tips

Analog alarm clock next to a bed.

Hilliard students go back to school on August 21, and that means a return to homework, after-school activities – and earlier bedtimes.

Getting the kids back on an appropriate sleep schedule can be more than a little stressful. But putting in the effort is well worth the while, writes Melissa Kossler Dutton in Columbus Parent magazine.

Ms. Dutton reports:

Kids who aren’t well-rested may have trouble focusing or paying attention, be overexcited or jumpy, have difficulty controlling impulses or emotions, or be irritable or fussy, according an article [from Akron Children’s Hospital].

The key to success at bed time, according to story, is consistency. Other tips include (emphasis added):

  • Make sure the room is dark, especially if your child goes to bed while it’s still light out. ...
  • Avoid caffeine after dinner. This includes chocolate and chocolate milk.
  • Don’t allow a TV in the bedroom or watching too close to bedtime, ... The same goes for video games, computers and other electronic devices.


  • About two weeks before school starts, start shifting their schedule to accommodate rising early for school, adds sleep.org, a website that offers a variety of tips on getting proper rest.

Full story here.

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