Saturday, June 15, 2019

What's up with all those utility markings?

Updated 06/18/19

You may be wondering about the utility markings, machinery, and cables recently seen around The Glen.

AEP has contracted with New River Electrical Corp. to replace the high voltage underground electric utility lines in our neighborhood. New cable will be bored approximately 3 feet below ground.

This work has already started, and some residents have received letters from New River explaining the process.

If you have a utility box on your property or utility lines that traverse your easement, you will probably be getting this work done. A landscaping contractor hired by New River will repair any damage caused by the company's digging. If New River is required to remove a segment of fence on your property, they will restore it.

There is not an exact timeframe for when this work will be completed; however, utility flags and markings will be placed before any actual work begins.

There may be some outages while the utility lines are being replaced, but AEP will try to minimize unscheduled outages.