As part of the West Scioto Area Commission’s participation in Columbus Neighborhood Pride 2019, area commission representatives and city officials will take a bus tour of the neighborhoods comprising the WSAC, surveying for code violations and other problems.
If you have concerns regarding infrastructure issues, street conditions, or potential code violations, please send us an email no later than Monday, September 9, with your name, street address, and a brief description of your concern.
Only GCA officers will see these emails. Submissions will be consolidated and, when appropriate, shared with city officials.
This year's Neighborhood Pride event series kicks off with Transit Thursday on September 26. Details for this and the other two Neighborhood Pride events – a wellness expo on October 3 and a safety academy on October 10 – were included in this September's edition of ‘Round the Glen, which was emailed to residents on August 30. Dates and times have also been posted on our website.
These free events are all geographically close to The Glen, so we hope you and your families will take part and show off your Glen pride to the rest of the WSAC!