Thursday, September 14, 2023

Neighborhood Hayride – Sat., Oct. 7

The Glen's Annual Hayride with Horseshoe Farms featuring live music by Jason Melick, Saturday, October 7, 2023, from 2pm to 4pm at Doreen Court off Noreen Drive, live music from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, event is free for dues-paying Glen residents and $5 per family for all others.

Neighborhood Hayride with Horseshoe Farms
Saturday, October 7, 2023
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
Doreen Court (off Noreen Drive)

Live music with Jason Melick from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. This event is free for dues-paying Glen residents and just $5 per family for all others. It's a fun time for all!

As a reminder, Glen dues may be paid at the hayride. Dues received in October will be credited to 2023 and 2024. Dues remain $20 for one year or $50 for three years. Please email The Glen with any questions regarding the status of your dues.

Thank you to everyone who supports The Glen. You make it possible for us to continue providing these fun family events.