Payments & Donations

It's never too late to pay your association dues. Annual dues are $20 and payable on the first day of each calendar year.

Pay online

If you are paying dues for your own household, please leave "Ship to my billing address" checked. If you are paying dues for a household other than your own, please uncheck "Ship to my billing address" and enter the household you are paying for as the shipping address.

If you are paying dues for multiple households, please leave "Ship to my billing address" checked and enter the resident(s) you are paying for in the "Who are you paying for?" box.

Pay by mail

Paying your dues is easy with PayPal. But if you prefer to pay offline, checks should be made payable to The Glen Civic Association, with the year for which you are paying your dues written on the memo line (e.x., "2021 GCA Dues"). Include with your check the following on a separate sheet of paper: your name, address, and email address.

Please contact The Glen Civic Association for information on where to mail your dues.

Refunds of dues paid in advance

A refund of dues which have been paid in advance should be allowed, if requested by the resident, only if the resident is moving. These dues will not be prorated by month. If the resident resides or owns property in The Glen anytime in a calendar year, dues for that year will be retained by The Glen Civic Association.

Make a Donation

You can also support The Glen with a direct donation.
Thank you!