Sunday, December 11, 2016

Recap: Second Annual Santa Sighting

Santa and Mrs. Claus seated in their chairs

A fun time was had by all who attended our second Santa Sighting at Get Air Columbus Trampoline Park.  There were activities for everyone, and delicious treats and great coffee were available at Tree of Life Play + Cafe. Santa and Mrs. Claus had candy canes for the children...

A child meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus

...and even listened to some special wish lists.

Santa Claus reading a child's Christmas list

If you missed this opportunity to see Santa, we hear Santa and Mrs. Claus will be making another special appearance at Tree of Life Play + Cafe on December 20.

(Please note: This is not a GCA sponsored event. We are just Santa's little elves helping to spread the news!)

Tree of Life Play + Cafe
Cookies with Santa

Tuesday, 12/20 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Cookie decorating with our very special guests Santa & Mrs. Claus! $5.00 includes your admission to our play area and cookie decorating! See you there!!
#cookiedecorating #treeoflifeplaycafe #hilliard #playcafe #santaweknowhim

Your GCA Board wishes you all a very merry holiday season and a happy and safe new year.

Three children posing with Santa and Mrs. Claus