Tuesday, April 4, 2017

West Scioto Area Commission seeks applicants for commission positions

As we previously reported, the West Scioto Area Association, a task force with ties to the Scioto Woods Civic Association, has filed a petition with the City of Columbus to form the West Scioto Area Commission, a new council-approved area commission that would make recommendations to city council regarding area development and the delivery of city services.

This following information was sent to us by the West Scioto Area Association yesterday afternoon, and we wanted to share it with you.

Openings for Two Appointed West Scioto Area Commission Positions

High school juniors and seniors who live within the West Scioto Area Commission (WSAC) boundaries may apply to be considered for one student commissioner position on the WSAC.

In addition, employees of the following school districts: Upper Arlington Schools, South-Western City Schools, Columbus Schools, and Hilliard City Schools, who live within the WSAC boundaries may apply to be considered for one commissioner position on the WSAC.

Contact nominations.wsac@gmail.com for more information. Applications are due by Friday, April 14th.