Monday, October 30, 2017

Recap: First Annual GCA Hayride

Horses pulling a wagon during a hayride.

The Glen Civic Association held our first annual neighborhood hayride on Saturday, October 21, and we're pleased to say it was an enormous success!

The weather was perfect, and adults, kids and our four-legged friends all enjoyed this glorious day.

Your continued support enabled The Glen to provide coloring sheets, pumpkins for decorating, sidewalk chalk, cookies and other snacks, and treats for our pets.

Neighbors met new neighbors, and a great time was had by all. Plus, everyone loved the horses!

A big thank you goes to Ron Schilling and his family from Horseshoe Farms, who did an amazing job with the event.

Horseshoe Farm Carriage Service
Ron Schilling
19359 Raymond Rd.
Marysville, OH 43040

We're thrilled so many Glen residents and their families turned out to participate in the hayride. We're already looking forward to doing this again next year!

Additional photos after the jump.

Family enjoying an autumn hayride.

Hayride on a suburban street in autumn.

Families enjoying an autumn community festival.