Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Dues Increase – What you need to know

GCA dues will increase to $20 as of January 1, 2018. This is our first increase in over 30 years.

Please remember that dues are payable yearly (based on the calendar year), as opposed to a year from when you last paid your dues.

For example, if you do not pay your dues until June of the calendar year, next year’s dues are still payable on January 1.

Please remember as of January 2018, there is no longer a three-year special.

How to pay your dues

Paying dues is now even easier with the use of PayPal. (Click here to pay your dues now!) But if you prefer to pay offline, checks should be made payable to The Glen Civic Association, with the year for which you are paying your dues written in the memo line (e.x., "2017 GCA Dues"). Include with your check the following on a separate sheet of paper: your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

Please contact The Glen Civic Association for information on where to mail your dues.

Gift card raffle

If we receive your dues by January 31 (or if you have already paid your 2018 dues), you will automatically be entered into a raffle drawing for a gift card.

**This post was updated on 12/16/17 to reflect that Glen residents who have previously paid their 2017 civic association dues are eligible for the gift card raffle drawing, and to clarify that the "three-year dues special" will end as of December 31, 2017.**

**This post was updated on 01/28/18 to remove language stating that the gift card raffle winner would be chosen at The Glen's 2018 annual meeting.**