Thursday, September 9, 2021

It's never too late to pay your dues

With the October 9 fall hayride fast approaching, we wanted to remind you that civic association dues may be paid at the event. Plus, dues paid at the hayride will be applied to not only the remainder of 2021 but also the full 2022 calendar year.

Annual dues remain $20. If you're unsure of your dues payment status, please contact us at We're happy to check for you.

The easiest way to pay your dues is the PayPal link on this website. You don't need a PayPal account, just a credit card!

Checks should be made payable to The Glen Civic Association with "Hayride 2021/2022" written on the memo line. You may also pay with cash, but please bring exact change.

As always, we appreciate your support, especially during these challenging times.