Monday, March 20, 2017

Statewide Tornado Drill – Wed., March 22

Franklin County's tornado sirens will be going off earlier than normal this coming Wednesday.

As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, a statewide tornado drill is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22, at 9:50 a.m. All Ohio counties will be testing their outdoor emergency warning systems during this drill.

Organized by the Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness, Severe Weather Awareness Week (March 19-25) encourages Ohio citizens to become better informed about both weather hazards and best practices for staying safe during a storm.

OCSWA provides several great resources for families looking to take part in Severe Weather Awareness Week. If you're searching for ways to help your children learn more about severe weather safety, we encourage you to visit their website.

Help spread the word

Please tell your friends and neighbors about Severe Weather Awareness Week and the statewide tornado drill on Wednesday. We all know how disorienting it can be when tornado drills deviate from their regularly scheduled time of noon on Wednesdays, or when they occur during inclement weather.

Additionally, Hilliard City Schools will be on spring break next week, and many students will be home alone during the drill. We want to ensure local kids aren't scared or confused by the unexpected sirens.

So let's spread the word about the statewide tornado drill. And, if you happen to be outside Wednesday morning at 9:50 a.m., remember: It's only a test.