Friday, May 19, 2017

Summer ‘17 | Let your kids “discover boating” with Columbus Recreation and Parks

A header image announcing The Glen's Summer'17 series of articles.

Sailing and canoeing are wonderful outdoor activities, ones in which we’re happy for our kids to take part – so long as they’re done safely.

When it comes to aquatic activities, it’s always “safety first,” and sitting in a boat instead of floating in the water doesn’t mean learning essential skills can take a backseat to having fun.

That’s why in Summer ‘17 we’re putting on our life jackets and highlighting the educational boating program run by Columbus Recreation and Parks.

“Discover Boating”

Boating Sessions

June 12-16
June 19-23
June 26-30
July 10-14
July 17-21
July 24-28
July 31-Aug. 4
Aug. 7-11

Sessions consist of five classes, one class per day, Monday through Friday, 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Columbus’s boating camp provides kids age 10 to 18 the opportunity to learn the basics of watercraft, sailing, and canoeing.

Participants in the program – which is held at O’Shaughnessy Reservoir, 9610 Riverside Drive, in Powell – receive training in boating safety, knot-tying, and capsize recovery, along with a crash course in proper nautical terminology.

Campers must have “intermediate-level swimming skills” to take part in the Discover Boating program. According to the recreation and parks department, this means being able to “jump into water over [your] head and float, swim or tread water for three minutes.”

Life jackets and other equipment will be provided, but kids should bring a sack lunch with them to camp.

Multiple sessions throughout the summer

Session Cost

Residents: $100
Non-Residents: $110

Each Discover Boating session lasts for one week and consists of five classes, with one class per day, Monday through Friday. Classes begin at 10:30 a.m. and conclude at 3:30 p.m.

The following boating sessions are scheduled for 2017: June 12-16, June 19-23, June 26-30, July 10-14, July 17-21, July 24-28, July 31-August 4, and August 7-11.

Daily Transportation

Depart from the
Columbus Aquatics Center
1160 Hunter Ave.

Leave – 10 a.m.
Return – 4 p.m.


First-come, first-served; limited to 12 children total.

Sessions are $100 for Columbus residents and $110 for non-residents.

Daily transportation to the reservoir is available, but space is first-come, first-served and limited to 12 children total. Busses depart from the Columbus Aquatics Center, 1160 Hunter Avenue, leaving at 10 a.m. and returning at 4 p.m. Transportation is $20 per child, per session.

How do I sign my kids up?

You can register your kids for the Discover Boating program online through Columbus Recreation and Parks.

Ready to register? Click here to get started.

Have more questions? Contact John Gloyd, aquatics director for Columbus Recreation and Parks, at (614) 645-3129 or

Thanks for joining us for this week’s three Summer ‘17 entries. Before you go, be sure to check out the rest of what we’ve posted so far:

Enjoy your weekend!