Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Summer ‘17 | Kids can learn and explore at one of CRPD’s day camps

A header image announcing The Glen's Summer'17 series of articles.

You love your kids. And you enjoy spending time with them. But still, it’s nice for everyone to have a break from each other every now and then.

That’s where camp comes in.

So for Summer ‘17’s final post, we’re talking about the day camps hosted by Columbus Recreation and Parks (CRPD).

From community center camps and outdoor education to specialized experiences like ceramics and hanging out with police officers and firefighters, there’re plenty of ways for your kids to broaden their horizons – and burn up some energy – this summer.

A quick note about camp “sessions”

CRPD organizes its summer camp program into five-day, Monday through Friday “sessions”. Unless otherwise noted, camp sessions are independent of one another – fees are typically charged “per session” (i.e., per week), and you can sign your camper up for as many or as few sessions as their (or your) summer schedule allows.

There are ten summer camp sessions scheduled for 2017: Session 0 (June 5-9), Session 1 (June 12-16), Session 2 (June 19-23), Session 3 (June 26-30), Session 4 (July 3-7)*, Session 5 (July 10-14), Session 6 (July 17-21), Session 7 (July 24-28), Session 8 (July 31-August 4), and Session 9 (August 7-11).

*Due to the July 4th holiday, Session 4 is four days instead of five.

Community center camps

Kids aged six to 12 can sign up for one of CRPD’s community center camps. Available at six community centers this summer, each program offers its own unique blend of creative pursuits, physical activity, and off-site excursions.

Summer Camp
Session Calendar

Session 0 – June 5-9
Session 1 – June 12-16
Session 2 – June 19-23
Session 3 – June 26-30
Session 4 – July 3-7*
Session 5 – July 10-14
Session 6 – July 17-21
Session 7 – July 24-28
Session 8 – Jul 31-Aug. 4
Session 9 – Aug. 7-11

*No classes on July 4th.

Camp Barnett (Barnett Community Center, 1184 Barnett Road) focuses on a unique theme each session, incorporating various special events and field trips, while Camp Buckeye (Tuttle Park Community Center, 240 West Oakland Avenue) features pool time plus a ball field and walks on a nature trail. Meanwhile, Camp Far East’s (Far East Community Center, 1826 Lattimer Drive) programming includes swimming, sports, and arts and crafts, plus visits to Columbus spray parks.

At Camp Lazelle (Lazelle Woods Community Center, 8140 Sancus Boulevard) and Camp Whetstone (Whetstone Community Center, 3923 North High Street), children can take part in field trips to the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium, Zoombezi Bay, and The Chiller; Camp Whetstone also offers visits to Metro Parks and the city’s Tuttle Pool. And at Camp Woodward (Woodward Park Community Center, 5147 Karl Road), kids will get to visit, among other destinations, our local whistle factory.

"Per Session" Prices*

Resident – $85
Non-Resident – $102

Off-site excursions may require an additional fee.

*Prices can vary by session. Consult the the Columbus Summer Fun Guide for complete pricing information.

This year, CRPD is offering community center camps during Sessions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Each session costs $85 for Columbus residents and $102 for non-residents, with the exception of Session 4, which costs $70 for residents and $85 for non-residents. Field trips and excursions may require additional fees.

Camp days run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily. Breakfast and lunch are provided on-site.

Outdoor education at Indian Village

The Glen is lucky to have a CRPD facility just down the road: Indian Village! And one of Indian Village’s fantastic programs is its summer day camp at the McKnight Outdoor Education Center, 3200 Indian Village Road.

McKnight Outdoor Education Center
at Indian Village

3200 Indian Village Rd.
Columbus, OH 43221

(614) 645-3380

Each week of day camp incorporates a different theme into its programming, with the schedule doubling back and repeating after five weeks. So if your child can’t make a particular session during the first part of the summer, they might be able to attend in late July or early August. Parents looking for a full list of weekly themes should consult the Columbus Summer Fun Guide.

Indian Village Day Camp is open to children aged six to 12 and costs $125 per week for city residents and $140 per week for non-residents. (Session 4 is $100 for residents and $112 for non-residents.) Camp days run 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Specialized camps provide inspiration and opportunities for exploration

CRPD’s Teen Clay Academy, sponsored by Columbus Clay, lets students aged 13 to 17 practice with a pottery wheel during a special, two-week summer program running June 19 to June 30 at the Thompson Community Center, 1189 Dennison Avenue. Clay academy is $170 for city residents and $200 for non-residents; breakfast and lunch are provided.

Specialized Day Camps

Teen Clay Academy
June 19-30
Thompson Community Center

Columbus Police and Fire Exploration Camp
Sessions 2 & 7 (Ages 9-11)
Sessions 3 & 5 (Ages 12-15)

Lights, Camera … Camp!
Sessions 1, 2 & 3 at Schiller
Sessions 6, 7 & 8 at Westgate

Camp Public Health
Session 6
Schiller Community Center

At Columbus Police and Fire Exploration Camp, kids aged nine to 15 spend time with CPD and CFD officers and visit public safety facilities. The program is available to Columbus residents only and costs $50 per week. Nine to 11 years olds are welcome to attend camp during Sessions 2 and 7; Sessions 3 and 5 are for kids aged 12 to 15.

Lights, Camera … Camp! gives children between six and 14 an introduction to acting, costuming, and set design. This performing arts camp – $85 for city residents and $102 for non-residents – is offered at the Schiller Community Center, 1069 Jaeger Street, during Sessions 1, 2, and 3; and at the Westgate Community Center, 455 South Westgate Avenue, during Sessions 6, 7, and 8. Camp starts at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m. daily; breakfast and lunch are provided.

Finally, Camp Public Health offers kids aged 12 to 15 the chance to learn from public health professionals on how to best promote public health in Columbus. This special experience is offered during Session 6 at the Schiller Community Center, 1069 Jaeger Street, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily; the cost is $50 for residents and $60 for non-residents, with breakfast and lunch included.

Register for camp

Ready to sign your kids up for a camp? Visit CRPD’s online registration portal to get started.

Need more information? Check out CRPD’s website.

That’s it for Summer ‘17. Before you go, take a moment to look back at the rest of the series:

Thanks for reading. We’ll see you back here soon.

Have a wonderful summer!